General Camp Info
DATES: Friday, August 9th to Sunday, August 11th.
HOURS: 10:15am - 7:00pm (EST)
STYLE OF DEBATE: Parliamentary
COST: free!
The NYPDL Summer Camp will ask campers to self-sort into one of three groups: novice, intermediate and advanced (see below for more details on details for each group).
Within these groups, campers will be placed into a 10-15-person lab group, run by a highly knowledgable debater or coach. These "lab leaders" will lead their lab groups in drills and practice rounds catered to the skill level of their group.
On the final day of the camp, debaters will engage in a spar tournament with other teams of similar skill level in order to hone their tournament skills and engage with the material they have learned over the course of the camp.
We are excited for debaters to receive personalized attention and form valuable connections with their lab leaders.
NYPDL Camp 2024
The New York Parliamentary Debate League is incredibly excited to announce that we are holding our NYPDL Debate Summer Camp this August. This is a free and fully virtual camp open to anyone who is interested. The camp will run from Friday, August 9th to Sunday, August 11th. Information about the camp, including a sample schedule for the camp and details about daily activities, levels of instruction, information about the camp’s technology, and registration information can be found in this document.
Sign up to be a camper
Campers are asked to self-sort into one of three skill level categories. Here are some more details if you're looking for guidance on which category you should choose:
Novice: 0 or 1 year of debate experience. Open to rising 9th graders and older.
Teaching the very fundamentals of debate ​
Intermediate: 1 or 2 year(s) of debate experience.
Focusing on debate strategy, e.g. which types of responses to use when; when backlash contentions work, etc.​
Advanced: 2 or more years of debate experience.
Honing advanced debate skills, e.g. covering new frameworks.​
Campers should register for camp no later than July 28th. Please fill out this form to register.
Campers have the opportunity to register with a partner, with whom they will participate in practice rounds and lab activities. Both partners need to fill out the form and register themselves.
Apply to be a lab leader or lecturer
Lab leaders must be rising seniors in high school, with some exceptions for very experienced rising juniors.
Lab leaders will be asked to lead a group of 10-15 debaters for two days and to judge rounds during the spar tournament on the third day of the camp.
We are looking for lab leaders who are not only knowledgable about debate, but also excited to share their knowledge with others.